Kantor kami


Jl. Nangka ll No.95. RT : 33 RW : 03. Geluran, Taman, Sidoarjo-JATIM

Jam Operasional

9 AM - 5 PM

Hubungi kami

Hubungi kami untuk solusi label yang tahan lama dan dapat disesuaikan untuk sektor kesehatan, industri, dan ritel. Kepuasan Anda adalah prioritas kami.

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Mandiri Label provides exceptional quality and durability in labels, exceeding our expectations every time.

John Doe

Several brown tags with handwritten notes are attached to white strings. The tags lie on a textured gray surface alongside green straps. The handwriting varies and appears personal, conveying individual messages.
Several brown tags with handwritten notes are attached to white strings. The tags lie on a textured gray surface alongside green straps. The handwriting varies and appears personal, conveying individual messages.
A row of metallic laser modules with visible warning labels and engraved text. The modules are aligned neatly, showcasing their industrial design. The labels contain laser hazard warnings and technical specifications.
A row of metallic laser modules with visible warning labels and engraved text. The modules are aligned neatly, showcasing their industrial design. The labels contain laser hazard warnings and technical specifications.
